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Naufrage à Goma: 23 morts, 58 disparus et des marchandises coulées

Comrade Magufuli the President of Tanzania is no more.

Dear Comrade John Pombe Magufuli,

In Act II, scene 2 of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, among other things, Shakespeare argues through Caesar the main character:

Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me most strange that men should fear; seeing that death, a necessary end, will come when it will come.

Like Julius Caesar you were not a coward, you have died once. Once like brother leader Mu’ammar Gaddadi.

You once confirmed that:

We should not fear death, anyone can die any time from different illness, malaria, TB… the only thing we should fear is God who is our hope, and we should put him in front

Comrade Magufuli, death has muted your voice, but you will remain alive in our everyday struggle towards the economic freedom in our life time and the emancipation of our mother Africa.

You understood very well the need of the poor mases of Tanzania by responding positively to the call that was made by Comrade Amilcar Cabral in his book titled “Revolution in Guinea.” Cabral the great son of the land and people’s leader argues that:

Always bear in mind that the people are not fighting for ideas, for the things in anyone’s head. They are fighting to win material benefits, to live better and in peace, to see their lives go forward, to guarantee the future of their Children.

Comrade Magufuli, you did indeed guarantee the future of Tanzanian children. Yours was all about the Tanzanian poorest of the poor, and Africans in general. You were and you will remain the symbol of African liberation and emancipation.

Your patriotism gave birth to hope and joy to the majority of Tanzanians, you were courageous enough to face the power of capital in a country that was hijacked by capitalist’s proxies through ugly deals that could not benefit your people, and protect the future of your people, you reversed all of them.

You were the enemy of capital and the sweet darling of the masses, a truly compatriot.

You had the audacity to respond to Patrice Lumumba’s dream that was expressed in his letter from Tysville Prison addressed to his wife, Pauline Lumumba:

The day will come when history will speak. But it will not be the history which will be taught in Brussels, Paris, Washington or the United Nations…Africa will write its own history and in both north and south it will be a history of glory and dignity.

You wrote the African history in Tanzania, the history that had a sweet melody to the majority of Tanzanians and Africans, and nauseous melody to Brussels, Paris, Washington, and London.

In you we saw the military and strength of Queen Nzinga and  King Shaka, the economic courage of Kwameh Nkrumah,  the panafricanism of Patrice Lumumba, the unshakable spirit of Robert Mugabe and Thomas Sankara the African Che Guevara.

You, whom was named the bulldozer, was the combination of multiple spirit of many African heroes and heroines who died in the name of our mother land, Africa. You were the truly incarnation of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere.

Your direct family, your people and fellow progressives Africans who saw hope in you will forever adore you, and be inspired by you.

They will think highly of you when they read Amilcar Cabral’s teaching:

Hide nothing from the masses of our people. Tell no lies. Expose lies whenever they are told. Mask no difficulties, mistakes, failures. Claim no easy victories…

May you R.I.P Comrade Dr.John Pombe Magufuli

Viva the spirit of Comrade Magufuli!

Viva Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM)!

Viva all the progressive! movements!

Viva Afrika!

Aluta Continua victoria acerta

Feruzi Ngwamba Foze is an African who subscribes to Comrade John Pombe Magufuli’s ideas.


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